Thursday, November 18, 2010

2010 Clinical Education Study

If you are a practicing midwife or a student in the clinical phase of your training, please take a few minutes to complete a survey that will help in my research. This is a short online form that is completely anonymous and will help shed some light on the field of clinical education for midwives. Please feel free to pass this link to any practicing midwives or students you know, the more people who fill the survey out the better the results will be. The results will be published online and in the upcoming third edition of Training Midwives: a Guide for Preceptors (2011, Eagletree Press)
The link to the survey for midwives is here:
The link to the survey for students is here:

Thank you,
Daphne Singingtree
Eagletree Press

1 comment:

  1. How can a get a copy of Training Midwives: A guide for preceptors?
