Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Birth Video Contest

I got this in my email today and thought I would share it. What a great idea to spread the word about midwifery and natural birth, a video contest. Here are the details:

Make a 4-7 minute video about childbirth options and win $1000! Birth Matters Virginia (an organization that works to promote an evidence-based model of maternity care) is soliciting 4-7 minute educational videos about birth. The first-place winner will receive a cash prize of $1000. Second place $500 and an "honorable mention" prize of $100 will also be awarded. The deadline for entering the contest is Mother's Day, May 10, 2009. Guest judges include: Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein, acclaimed producers of the Business of Being Born and Sarah J. Buckley., MD, international birth expert and author of Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering. Ricki, Abby, and Sarah will join a consumer-based panel of judges who will be evaluating the tone, educational content, creativity and more. You don't have to be a professional to enter and you don't have to be from Virginia. We'd love to get videos from mothers, fathers, filmmakers, film students, birth advocates, and anyone else who is interested in birth or film or wants to win $1000. As the national rate of c-sections surpasses 30% and the U.S. ranks 41st in terms of maternal mortality, it is more important than ever for women and their partners to be educated about the options they have during pregnancy and birth. Birth Matters Virginia advocates "evidence-based" maternity care, which simply means using the best available research on the safety and effectiveness of specific practices to help guide maternity care decisions and to facilitate optimal outcomes in mothers and newborns. There are a lot of ways to approach that topic, and we're looking forward to the variety of entries. For rules and to see how to enter, please visithttp://www.birthmattersva.org/videocontest.html You can also join our Facebook group to get updates about the contest and exchange ideas with other participants at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=73753459808 And if you have questions, email Sarah at Richmond@birthmattersva.org Even if you don't plan to make a video or submit an entry, please pass this email on to everyone you can think of, post it on your blog, your Facebook page, Twitter, whatever you can think of! The more people submit videos, the more will be out there on YouTube and we could use all the help we can get spreading the word.

1 comment:

  1. As a step toward our goal of educating women about their choices and options during the childbearing years, Birth Matters Virginia solicited short videos about .Birth Matters Video Contest Winners. Birth Matters Virginia logo. As a step toward their goal of educating women about their choices and options during .
    Don Blankenship
